Battery service

Mobile battery service and shop in Warsaw.

Mobile battery service “Pogotowie akumulatorowe” offers a series of car battery services including a battery checkup, a complete electric check, a virtual battery tester, and battery replacement services.

We’ll help you find the right battery for your vehicle.  Our car batteries are brand new  (2 years warranty) and can be shipped right to your door.

After replacing battery we take used one – battery recycling regulation.

Battery shop with delivery and replacement.

Starting a car.

 8.00 – 20.00


Our EMERGENCY BATTERY SERVICE operate in and around Warsaw.

pogotowie akumualtorowe br

W naszej ofercie pogotowia akumulatorowego posiadamy nowe i sprawdzone akumulatory.

Po konsultacji telefonicznej dobierzemy najlepszy akumulator i przywieziemy do klienta.

Warszawa okolice i mazowieckie.